MT4 Gold EA otomatis yang dirancang khusus untuk berdagang pada pasangan XAUUSD(GOLD). Ini adalah EA yang berupaya memanfaatkan Kecerdasan Buatan dan analisis teknis tradisional untuk memperkirakan pergerakan pasar dengan peningkatan presisi. Mari kita analisis klaim AI yang dipertanyakan ini dan cara kerja EA ini.

Inti dari EA ini terdapat algoritma kompleks dan baru yang menggabungkan AI, khususnya melalui penggunaan Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) dengan sel Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM) dan analisis teknis tradisional. Integrasi ini memungkinkan EA untuk belajar dari pergerakan harga dan indikator teknis di masa lalu, mengidentifikasi pola dan indikator yang paling relevan untuk memprediksi perilaku pasar di masa depan. Jaringan LSTM mahir dalam menangani data deret waktu, menjadikannya sangat cocok untuk pasar Forex yang dinamis dan bergejolak, di mana pemahaman data historis jangka pendek dan jangka panjang sangatlah penting. --- \"Automated MT4 Gold EA specially designed to trade on an XAUUSD(GOLD) pair. It’s an EA that seeks to leverage both Artificial Intelligence and traditional technical analysis to forecast market movements with enhanced precision. Let’s analyze these questionable AI claims and how this EA works.

The essence of EA lies a complex and novel algorithm that combines AI, particularly through the use of Recurrent Neural Networks (RNNs) with Long-Short-Term-Memory (LSTM) cells and traditional technical analysis. This integration allows the EA to learn from past price movements and technical indicators, identifying patterns and indicators most relevant for predicting future market behavior. The LSTM networks are adept at handling time series data, making them especially suitable for the dynamic and volatile Forex market, where understanding both short-term and long-term historical data is crucial.\" ---

MT4 : 1330004187
Contact : Email : [email protected]
Performance fee : 30%

Closed Trade P/L:
USC 10035.74
3985 Pips
Net P/L
USC 10035.74
Max Drawdown
Account Age
130 Day(s)
Total Follower

Absolute Gain72%
Total Net Profit USC10036 USC
Total Net Profit Pips3985 Pips
Total Deposit13864 USC
Total Withdraw-13328 USC
Total Trades1735 Trades
Total Volume74.09 Lot
Last recorded Balance10256 USC
Last recorded Equity10256 USC
Profit Factor1.77%
Account Age130 day(s)
Worst Equity Drawdown -%
Worst Closed Trade DD15%
Avg Profit/Day0.79%
Avg Profit/Month27%
Avg Win (Pips)202 Pips
Avg Win (USC)17.22 USC
Avg Loss (Pips)-673 Pips
Avg Loss (USC)-32.89 USC
Avg Trade (Pips)2 Pips
Avg Trade (USC)5.78 USC
Avg Trade Length204 Minute(s)
Last 7D Closed Trade25 trade(s)
High risk notice

There is a high level of risk involved with trading leveraged products such as forex and CFDs. You should not risk more than you can afford to lose, it is possible that you may lose more than your initial investment. You should not trade unless you fully understand the true extent of your exposure to the risk of loss.

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